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    TVBS GOOD 結果共41筆

  • CDC alerts on rising enterovirus and dengue cases in Taiwan

    Taiwan faces an enterovirus epidemic with a significant increase in cases, as well as a rise in dengue fever cases, both domestic and imported, primarily from Southeast Asian countries. The CDC emphasizes the importance of good hygiene and medical attention for symptoms, especially ahead of Mother’s Day.
    2024/05/07 15:57
  • 2024國際大師論壇 保羅•波曼 主張以正效益模式能兼顧企業EPS與ESG

    長期關注全球管理趨勢、為台灣企業解決經營痛點,天下雜誌與企業攜手舉辦「國際大師論壇」,十一年間持續邀請全球重量級管理大師來台分享經營管理智慧,2024年國際大師論壇邀請了前聯合利華執行長、現為聯合國全球盟約組織副董事長、共益組織想像(IMAGINE)共同創辦人保羅.波曼Paul Polman來台,分享他如何引領企業轉型成為正效益企業、並實現聯合國永續目標SDGs,以應對氣候變遷和社會不平等的挑戰。同時,論壇更邀請玉山金控董事長黃男州、台積電人力資源資深副總何麗梅及臺灣大學產學發展副院長謝明慧共同交流當前企業面對的永續挑戰及應對經驗。
    2024/04/26 19:31
  • 地球解方行動年會 「TVBS GOOD」從生活驅動永續環保

    適逢一年一度的世界地球日,《地球解方 2024永續設計行動年會》於4月22、23兩日盛大登場,號召科技、創投、企業、教育、媒體、社會創新、地方政府共同串聯與協作,集結產官學研社界超過40位重量級專家講者,從全球趨勢數據洞察、以人為本永續轉型以及減塑與創新等八大觀點剖析關鍵議題。TVBS積極投入永續作為,除了在4月初推出TVBS GOOD 全新ESG品牌,並擔任《地球解方 2024永續設計行動年會》策略夥伴的重要角色,年會因此邀請TVBS永續倡議大使莊開文擔任「全球塑膠公約」議題的主持人,藉由跨領域的深度對談,從中探索並共創具前瞻性的永續解方。
    2024/04/23 21:35
  • 尋地球「解方」! 40專家齊探討「限塑」影響

    地球解方2024永續設計行動年會,今天進入到第二天。由永續倡議大使莊開文,擔任主持人,邀請專家、業者一起探討減塑、限塑議題。另外今年也推出全新品牌「TVBS GOOD」,讓所有人都能更貼近永續。
    2024/04/23 18:58
  • 地球解方年會開跑!莊開文擔主持重任 盼「身體力行」拚永續

    《地球解方 2024永續設計行動年會》今(23日)進入第二天,持續聚焦在主題「多一塑不如少一塑膠」討論,而針對《全球塑膠公約:看企業機會與創新》,邀請到TVBS永續發展部永續倡議大使莊開文擔任主持人,與其他3位專家、業者一同探討減塑、限塑、禁塑對產業端的衝擊與影響,以及台灣市場上具備的轉型潛力。
    2024/04/23 12:12
  • 世界地球日開跑!TVBS永續倡議大使莊開文號召《GO PUNCH!》

    今天是世界地球日,也是2024《地球解方 永續設計行動年會》的開幕日。TVBS永續倡議大使莊開文受邀出席,呼籲與會者一同「GO PUNCH!」,響應活動主題「永續出擊、撼動地球」。準總統賴清德以影片致詞,強調台灣應善用ICT和金融業優勢應對氣候變遷挑戰。年會聚焦八大主題,包括人為永續轉型和未來能源創新。此外,TVBS提出新永續品牌「TVBS GOOD」,宣示作為ESG轉譯者的決心。
    2024/04/22 12:35
  • TVBS 響應種樹減碳 黃星樺、葉佳蓉投身參與自封「植物系主播」

    TVBS近期推出全新ESG永續倡議品牌「TVBS GOOD」,同時呼應世界地球日,17日更號召參與「一樹一山」永續行動。包括TVBS永續倡議大使莊開文,以及主播黃星樺、葉佳蓉也都一同現身活動現場,與TVBS星藝象藝人、TVBS志工日活動齊心響應,也為環境永續作出實踐承諾。對此,兩位主播表示能親身參與這項有意義的活動感到非常開心,同時因為兩人姓名中正巧有「草」及「木」字邊,因此兩人更突發奇想自封「植物系主播」,笑翻現場眾人。
    2024/04/19 15:12
  • 修杰楷領TVBS眾藝人「上山種樹」 響應2024世界地球日

    TVBS積極投入永續作為,去年榮獲數位轉型鼎革獎ESG特別獎、Edenred Ideal Green減碳永續獎肯定,並成立「永續發展部」,以身為「ESG轉譯者」為己任。今年四月初更推出ESG全新品牌「TVBS GOOD」,透過深入淺出地倡議永續內容,從民眾的生活日常策動永續。世界地球日前夕,TVBS也呼應今年地球日主題「Planet vs. Plastics」,於17日舉辦「一樹一山」響應活動,號召TVBS永續倡議大使莊開文、TVBS主播黃星樺、葉佳蓉、TVBS星藝象旗下藝人修杰楷、楊銘威、楊晴、林子閎、黃柏峰、鍾岳軒、盧學叡等群起響應,以行動落實環境永續。
    2024/04/18 12:45
  • 「TVBS GOOD」品牌亮相 從生活策動日常永續革命

    TVBS積極投入永續作為,去年榮獲數位轉型鼎革獎ESG特別獎、Edenred Ideal Green減碳永續獎肯定,並成立「永續發展部」,以身為「ESG轉譯者」為己任。今年四月初更推出ESG全新品牌「TVBS GOOD」,透過深入淺出地倡議永續內容,從民眾的生活日常策動永續。世界地球日前夕,TVBS也呼應今年地球日主題「Planet vs. Plastics」,於今(17)日舉辦「一樹一山」響應活動,號召TVBS永續倡議大使莊開文、TVBS主播、TVBS星藝象旗下藝人,以及企業友好夥伴「日月光」響應,推廣加樹減塑、節能減碳行動,同時新竹市副市長邱臣遠、新竹縣原民處 雲天寶處長、林業保育署新竹分署署長 夏榮生也到場力挺。TVBS總經理劉文硯表示:「非常開心參與此次活動,希望這些樹在十年、二十年、甚至百年後,都能為台灣帶來減碳幫助。今天活動也結合了TVBS志工日,包括很多公司同仁與藝人一起共襄盛舉,一起身體力行支持永續。」
    2024/04/17 19:39
  • 永續倡議大使莊開文 力推「TVBS GOOD」全新ESG概念品牌

    「TVBS GOOD」全新ESG概念網站,除了希望可以做為轉譯者的腳色,倡議「永續、共好、愛無限」,並且讓讀者及觀眾更能了解何謂ESG,跟如何從自身做起永續。
    2024/04/15 11:10
  • Cambodia PM condemns Taiwanese YouTubers for kidnap stunt

    Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Manet condemns YouTubers "Good Night Chicken" and "Anow" for staging a fake kidnapping in Cambodia, leading to their imprisonment. Former Prime Minister Hun Sen calls for justice, urging the judiciary to deny clemency.
    2024/02/19 16:23
  • Cross-party talks: TPP reaches out to KMT

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Chairman Ko Wen-je has announced that the party’s legislative caucus will initiate contact with the Kuomintang (KMT) for potential legislative cooperation. The TPP hopes to establish a mutually convenient schedule for visits between the two parties, with interactions expected to commence next week. This move comes as reform bills promised by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) remain stalled, and the TPP has proactively proposed collaboration with the KMT to further these reforms. TPP caucus whip Huang Kuo-chang has expressed optimism about the cross-party cooperation, stating that it is a good thing for opposition parties to work together to quickly pass bills that the DPP has failed to deliver on. The TPP caucus is open to this collaboration, pending the KMT’s response.
    2024/02/16 16:47
  • Chilly spell ends: Taiwan to bask in 30°C weekend warmth

    The Central Weather Administration (CWA) reports that northern and northeastern Taiwan experienced temperatures between 14 and 17 degrees Celsius on Feb. 16, due to the influence of the northeast monsoon. However, a warm-up is expected over the weekend. Starting from Sunday, the weather will trend towards being excessively warm, with only a few brief showers expected on the east coast and Hengchun Peninsula. Meteorological experts predict that warm south winds will stabilize the weather next week, with clear skies and high temperatures likely to exceed 30 degrees Celsius. The CWA anticipates a front approaching by Wednesday next week, which may bring increased moisture to eastern regions and mountain areas of the north, resulting in brief, localized showers. Other areas will experience partly cloudy to clear weather. Until the arrival of the new front, the overall climate will remain warm, providing a good opportunity to enjoy the sunshine.
    2024/02/16 11:00
  • Taoyuan Mayor gifts lucky bags for New Year festivities

    Taoyuan Mayor Simon Chang distributed "Year of the Dragon" lucky bags at the city hall on the final working day before the Lunar New Year. The bags featured a dragon enfolded in peach blossoms, symbolizing prosperity and good fortune. Each bag contained a one-dollar coin bundled with a red cord, believed to ward off evil and disasters. The lucky bags were labeled "Dragon’s Peace" and represented gathering wealth, good luck, and auspiciousness. Mayor Chang shared the bags with city hall staff, janitors, security guards, and the public passing by for business.
    2024/02/07 16:21
  • Hon Hai anticipates growth amid global AI chip scarcity

    Hon Hai Precision Industry Chairman Young Liu has stated that the AI server industry is facing a shortage of AI chips, which is expected to persist throughout 2024. Liu emphasized that the problem can only be resolved by increasing production capacity in new factories. He also highlighted that geopolitical and economic conditions may affect the demand for consumer electronic products this year. Despite holding a significant position in the global AI server industry, Hon Hai is facing a shortfall in the supply of AI chips from major manufacturers like NVIDIA. While some second and third-tier factories claim their AI server performance will be good in 2024, Liu expressed skepticism and confusion about this situation.
    2024/02/05 10:21
  • Taiwan monitors Tuvalu elections amid diplomatic tensions

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) will closely monitor developments in Tuvalu post-election, as most elected officials have established frequent interactions and friendly stances with Taiwan, ensuring solid diplomatic ties. MOFA condemns China’s attempt to influence the election by buying off local media in Tuvalu. The loss of Tuvalu’s pro-Taiwan Prime Minister has sparked speculation about a potential shift in foreign policy and diplomatic alliance with Beijing. However, MOFA notes that the majority of elected Tuvalu officials maintain good relations with Taiwan and support upholding the amicable relations between the two countries. MOFA urges the international community to pay attention and counter autocratic dictatorial countries that manipulate elections in democratic states. This development reflects the ongoing competition between China and Taiwan for diplomatic allegiances in the Pacific region, with countries sometimes switching allegiances for economic or political support.
    2024/01/30 17:44
  • Giant panda Yuan Zai passes health check with flying colors

    Yuan Zai, the beloved giant panda, has been deemed to be in good health after undergoing a comprehensive medical examination at the Taipei Zoo. The examination, conducted by a team of experts in anesthesiology, dentistry, and radiology, included various tests such as ophthalmology, hematology, and a full-body CT scan. Results showed that Yuan Zai is normal and weighs 114 kilograms. However, zoo officials have highlighted the need for caution regarding her previously broken incisor, which has undergone a root canal treatment. Despite some loss of filling material, the root of the incisor remains healthy. The zoo has also announced plans for a health check for another giant panda, Yuan Bao, in February. As a reminder, the public, particularly panda enthusiasts, are encouraged to prioritize their own health checks and regular dental visits.
    2024/01/17 14:41
  • Report: Hou Yu-ih’s victory could ease Taiwan-China tensions

    If Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hou Yu-ih wins the election, Taiwan’s political and economic situation could undergo significant changes, potentially easing tensions with China, according to a report by Nikkei Asia. Hou, a former police officer, has risen quickly in the political scene and is seen as a "law and order" poster child. Many Taiwanese voters are tired of President Tsai Ing-wen’s eight-year reign, especially regarding the increasing threat from China and slowing economic growth. Hou frames the election as a choice between peace and war, emphasizing the need to maintain good cross-strait relations. He accepts the 1992 Consensus and promises to restart the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA). Additionally, Hou advocates for a tough stance against crime and opposes the abolition of the death penalty, vowing to execute capital punishment if elected.
    2024/01/06 16:09
  • Taiwan braces for dual Northeast Monsoon onslaught

    Taipei is set to experience two waves of the Northeast Monsoon, which will result in decreasing temperatures and possible brief, isolated showers in the northern and northeastern regions. The monsoon is expected to weaken on Tuesday and Wednesday, but an increase in rainfall across most regions, except for the south, is anticipated due to influence from South China’s rainfall zone. The second wave of the monsoon is scheduled to hit next Friday, intensifying during the night and bringing chilliness and chances of rainfall in the north and Yilan. The air quality in central and southern regions may worsen due to foreign influences, while Yilan and Hualien currently have "good" air quality and Taipei, Hsinchu, Miaoli, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, Matsu, and Penghu regions have a "fair" level. The central region, Yunlin, Chiayi, Tainan, and Jinmen, are under an "orange alert" for air quality.
    2024/01/06 11:19
  • Taiwan seeks dog handlers for airport and seaport security

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture is recruiting four dog handlers for its Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency. The positions offer a starting salary of NT$37,769 per month, plus an additional NT$7,700 allowance for outstations. Handlers must have at least one year of related experience and be available for shifts and business travel. They also need a good understanding of dogs, an outgoing personality, and the ability to work independently. The positions are divided among Taipei Songshan Airport, Taoyuan International Airport, and Kinmen Shuitou Pier, with potential relocation to Kaohsiung Airport or Taichung Airport.
    2024/01/04 15:18
  • Lau, Leung spark holiday frenzy with sweet Christmas photo

    Hong Kong actress Carina Lau and actor Tony Leung delighted fans with a heartwarming Christmas photo on social media. The picture, shared on Weibo, showed Lau giving Leung a kiss on the cheek in front of a Christmas tree. Married for 15 years, the couple appeared happy and in good spirits. Lau also took the opportunity to send a heartfelt holiday greeting to her followers and tagged Leung’s fan club in the post. Fans expressed their joy and showered the couple with compliments and well wishes in the comments section, making it a charming and personal Christmas gift.
    2023/12/26 17:54
  • 獨/消失多年!選秀亞軍搖身變成CEO 驚人近況曝

    選秀節目《聲林之王》第1季亞軍林孟辰,日前與SkullyOSkully合作推出單曲〈It’s Good〉,日前接受《TVBS新聞網》專訪透露,消失這3年他沒有停下腳步,除了在音樂上進步,從小對商很有興趣的他,更成立服飾電商品牌GZ(Groundzero2002) ,當起CEO,不過這條路卻也不好走,曾有連續5個月完全沒生意,只因為自己的判斷錯誤。
    2023/12/26 07:12
  • Shipping companies reroute amid escalating Red Sea crisis

    The escalating Red Sea crisis prompts shipping companies to reroute, with ten shipping routes from Taipei and Kaohsiung passing through the Red Sea. The Houthi movement, favoring Iran, targets ships in the Red Sea, leading international and local shippers to prioritize safety by announcing delays or re-routing around the Cape of Good Hope. Shipping companies opt to navigate around the Cape or temporarily suspend services, expecting disruptions in ship schedules. The situation mainly affects regional operations and does not yet have global consequences, resulting in no congested ports like during the pandemic. National shipping lines have temporarily ceased accepting cargo for ports in Israel, with further assessments on route adjustments to be made.
    2023/12/20 21:04
  • Ministry of National Defense retires two drug-sniffing dogs

    The Ministry of National Defense (MND) announced that three drug-sniffing dogs have completed their service, one continuing under the Customs Administration’s evaluation and the other two retiring in October. The MND deployed 18 additional detection dogs across various regions in December 2022. Major General Chen Heng-wei stated that the detection squads conducted 467 assigned smell duties through educational recalls and base applications. Throughout the year, operational areas designated 211 smell duties, with 145 requests from military bases. The government mandates a service limit of four years for these canines, but dogs in good condition may serve up to seven years. The establishment of drug-sniffing dog units began in 2020 as part of efforts to deter military personnel from bringing drugs into the barracks, showcasing the ministry’s commitment to maintaining zero tolerance for drugs within military facilities.
    2023/12/20 18:35
  • Taiwan’s CWA reports sharp temperature drop island-wide

    Taiwan experiences a significant temperature drop as reported by the Central Weather Administration (CWA) on December 12th. Northern Taiwan sees a sharp decline in daytime highs, reaching around 18 to 19 degrees Celsius, with a damp and chilly atmosphere worsening at night. The cooler temperatures are attributed to the passing of a cold front and a strengthening northeastern monsoon. Central and southern Taiwan witness pronounced day-to-night temperature variations, with highs ranging from 26 to 29 degrees Celsius and lows falling between 20 and 22 degrees. Eastern Taiwan also experiences a cold snap, with top temperatures around 24 degrees Celsius. Sporadic, short-lived rainfall is expected in certain areas, while others will see mostly clear to cloudy skies. Gusty winds are predicted in open coastal areas, and the air quality may be affected by pollutants carried by northeastern winds. The air quality index rates different regions of Taiwan, with Yilan, Hualien-Taitung, and Penghu having "good" levels, while other areas are rated "moderate" or may experience "orange alert" levels.
    2023/12/12 09:59
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